Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Damn the man, but sometimes you feel for him

Today it came out that Microsoft was in the process of hiring an Australian IT pro to change some wikipedia articles about them (here). Now, being a Mac user, I'm a proud member of the Gates-haters, but this situation, assuming the facts are correct is pretty ridiculous.

Here's the situation brief:
Microsoft found some inaccuracies in articles about them on Wikipedia and tried to contact the folks at Wikipedia to correct said inaccuarices. Microsoft received no response. To remedy the situation, Microsoft was in the process of hiring an IT pro in Australia to change the articles, but Microsoft would not be able to see the articles until after they were posted. Wikipedia finds out and all hell breaks loose. Their suggestion as to what would have been the proper course of action for Microsoft is to have written a write paper, post it on another site, then link that site to the discussion forums for the articles containing the inaccuracies.

While the majority of articles I've read haven't taken a position supporting either Wikipedia or Microsoft, I have read several that bash MS. I'm a big fan of open source, love it as a matter of fact. I'm assuming that like the rest of the open source devotees out there, Wikipedia has some pent up animosity for MS. Don't let that destroy the legitimacy that you've worked so hard to obtain.

This post is not funny- not that the rest of them are, but this one definitely isn't. I need to go watch a comedy movie now or something on youtube that will make me laugh so hard I piss my pants.

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